全套分成Reading & Writing 和 Listening & Speaking兩個系列,每個系列各有五冊,課程單元以引導式啟發學生英語思考能力。根據Stella Cottrell的學習技巧手冊,引入仿真情境訓練,幫助學生有效率地提升英語能力。另外各單元設計的分組練習,內容豐富且彈性,以同儕互動的方式,訓練學生口語流暢度。
● 精選路透社的影片講解句型與單字
● 日常生活英文情境,啟發學生思辯能力與聽力技巧
● 各項語言能力練習活動,包含發音練習、口語表達與寫作方法
● 全新且豐富的考題資,節省老師的出題時間
Skillful Second Edition Listening & Speaking helps teachers prepare students for success in academic university English programmes.
Through engaging content,a skills-based syllabus,clear step-by-step lessons,and a strong academic focus,students develop the language,confidence,and skills they need at university and in their future careers.
● The Second Edition features fresh new content,and thought-provoking material and topics.
● Engaging video from Reuters presents language in a real-world context.
● Students learn to use academic English through skills-based tasks and challenging reading material.
● Step-by-step writing lessons help students work towards producing academic essays in English.
● Critical Thinking sections,academic vocabulary,and Study Skills from Stella Cottrell give students the language and planning techniques to improve academic performance.
● The full-interactive Digital Student's Book and Online Workbook provide further practice,reinforcing language skills.
Following a shared topic syllabus,Skillful Second Edition Listening & Speaking can be combined seamlessly with Skillful Second Edition Reading & Writing for a more comprehensive English skills course,or used independently.
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