課程內容語言自然又真實、有趣的對話設計提昇學習的興趣與效果; 書末列出每單元文法重點整理、發音練習、重要單字及不規則動詞表,並附有線上資源,提供學生更多元化的練習。
● Flexibility – 特別針對亞洲學生設計,每單元有四頁主課程core language,另加2頁的延伸課程,老師可按上課時間彈性伸縮教案設計,不會額外增加備課的負擔。
● Natural language – 透過練習日常生活英語,提升語言流暢度,增加自信心。
● Comprehensive coverage – 結合每單元的文法重點學習、單字建構練習、語調及發音的循序漸進的活動/練習設計,引導學習者奠定良好學習基礎,按部就班,漸入佳境。
● Humor – 書中充滿幽默有趣的對話及文章,提昇學生課堂學習之樂趣。
New edition of the successful communication-focused course that builds young adult and adult learners'confidence to use English and communicate in everyday situations.
Breakthrough Plus 2nd edition contains up-to-date content,a fresh design. and a digital version of the Student's Book. This new edition is a truly blended,fexible, content-rich course,which covers high-interest themes in a thorough but accessible way.
● NEW!Student's Resource Center,and page-faithful Digital Student's Book with integrated audio and video,extra practice,and over 150 interactive activities with score reports
● NEW!Additional video material,including conversations,interactive real life exchanges,and interviews with viewing skills tasks
● NEW!Presentation skills with practical guidance on how to present successfully in English
● Broad,international,cross-cultural themes
● Authentic natural language presented and practiced through clear, contextualized, and achievable tasks
● Genuine fexibility and focus on all four skills: ''Skills expansion'' section motivates students and allows teachers to adapt the material to the needs of each class
● ''In your words'' section involves students in authentic communication,with a range of engaging tasks which also recycle grammar and vocabulary
● Teacher access to the Teacher's Presentation Kit for classroom presentation,the Teacher's Resource Center,and the Test Generator.
This level includes:
For the Student
● Student's Book
● Digital Student's Book
● Student's Resource Center
For the Teacher
● Teacher's Book
● Teacher's Presentation Kit
● Teacher's Resource Center
● Test Generator

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