Next Move為Next Stop的新版,學習以英語探索世界文化為主軸,藉以培養學生的的英語能力及國際觀。延續Next Stop的精神,Next Move除了基本語言加強外,透過品德小故事也讓孩子用英語學習品德教育。另外增加了各種不同的小圖提醒,藉以增強訓練孩子的各項學習智能發展。
● 全套七級
● 全新設計初階Starter,讓初學者也能從基礎的課程體驗國際文化
● 每單元皆有Think Twice暖身活動、Grammar Guide增強文法重點,更有Progress Check提供師長檢視學習進度及成效
● Interactive Classroom Pack 內有課本作業本完整內容可呈現在電子白板系統上,方便老師授課使用
● 另有Interactive Posters互動式海報、發音及文法的延伸練習
● 教用手冊特別強調了多元智能發展的教學以及文學閱讀活動,配合Interactive Classroom Pack 可供教師有更豐富課程教材可用
特別還有Teacher's Resource Website提供更多資源:
● Grammar Resource(文法資源)
● Audio Resource(音源資源)
● Festival Lessons(各冊節慶資源)
● Monthly Planners(各冊課程進度安排)
● Test Builder(單元卷線上資源)
● Speaking, Mid-term, and End-of-year Tests(口說測驗、期中期末考)
● Language Files, Presentation Files, and Writing Files(寫作資源)
● Spelling Bee Handbook(拼字練習)
Next Move: Always on the move!
In this enhanced edition which includes a brand-new Starter level, Next Move gives students the opportunity to explore the English language in a content-rich environment. With new videos, karaoke songs, animated phonics, and grammar presentations to complement the fresh dynamic Student's Books, both teachers and students will always be on the move with Next Move.
Next Move Components:
For Students:
● Student's Book containing competency and values development, reading comprehension of fiction and non-fiction texts, and a grammar guide with practice activities
● Workbook with a picture dictionary and a progress record to review and consolidate grammar and vocabulary
● Student's DVD-ROM with language interactivities, topic-based videos, and karaoke songs
For Teachers:
● Teacher's Edition with full lesson notes for each Student's Book page, including new blended teaching tips, ideas for lesson extenders, and additional support for competency development
● Interactive Classroom Pack with Interactive Classroom DVD-ROM and Audio CDs. The DVD-ROM contains the interactive Student''s Book and workbook, additional animated phonics program, grammar presentations, topic-based videos, and teacher's notes
● Teacher's Website with resources and ideas to help with planning and assessment, including a new test builder
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