◆ 完整版學生用書 (1本書送2本電子書)
◆ 教師手冊
◆ 聽力音檔
◆ Connect 平台整合全方位教學與學習資源
◆ 豐富的線上考題與練習
◆ 80%全新內容,學術英文第一品牌,有趣的主題與情境,聽說讀寫全方位訓練。
◆ 以引導問題思考的理解訓練活動,進一步提升學術技能的發展。
◆ 將批判性思考能力、語言技能和學習成果緊密結合的教材。
◆ NEW! 強大的數位平台整合所有資源,翻轉教學,適性學習。
◆ NEW! 全新設計的練習活動,提升學習動力並強化語言精熟度。
◆ NEW! 訓練學術英文必備的語言策略,有助準備國際檢定考試。
New Interactions is a fully revised and enhanced edition of the most trusted brand name in English for Academic Purposes,the pioneer series Interactions/Mosaic. This new edition offers powerful digital tools that support the content with relevancy and real-world application that is crucial to learning in a fast-paced,global world.
● The classroom becomes a dynamic and flexible learning environment that can facilitate lower-order thinking skills and promote higher-order reasoning.
● A wealth of innovative and adaptive learning tools and materials provide each student with a tailored learning journey.
● New Interactions: Listening and Speakingoffers a variety of listening genres and systematically guides students through strategies and critical-thinking skills that help prepare them for academic achievement.
● New Interactions: Reading and Writingfocuses on the writing process and the written product; it presents reading skills and strategies that prepare students for academic achievement through a variety of themes and high-interest topics.

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