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商品編號:P0116400143076 原始貨號:0080269

Essential Strategies of Argument

作者:Hirschberg, Stuart
出版日期:1996 年
$ 100 $ 725
  • 原價 : $ 725




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The Essentials of argument is a rhetoric on argument. This book has two aims:
(1) to offer instruction on understanding, analyzing, and evaluating different types of arguments and
(2) to provide guidance on writing effective arguments.

Chapters 1,2,3,4, and 5 introduce students to the skills of critical reading, note taking, summarizing, and the basic strategies of argument, in order to show them how to identify central ideas and techniques as a first step in understanding and analyzing arguments. The discussion, based on the Stephen Toulmin model of claim, warrant, backing, support, and qualifer, examines different kinds of arguments, explores basic argumentative strategies, and places particular emphasis on the importance of underlying assumptions, definition, and types of evidence in different disciplines. The uses (and abuses) of logic and language in argument are discussed in depth. Selections illustrating points in the discussion are on topics ranging from the serious-questions on AIDS, assisted suicide, and sexual harassment-to lighter analyses of training a pet, political correctness, and the unspoken rules governing friendship.

Chapter 6 provides guidance in writing effective arguments using a process model and discusses the important points of invention strategies, arriving at a thesis, adapting arguments for different audiences, using an outline, and revising a rough draft. The important role of critical thinking in bridging the gap between analyzing someone else's argument and generating one's own ideas is examined in detail. Students are introduced to the criteria important in evaluating the arguments of others and are provided with a sample student evaluation of an argument. The two short arguments for analysis with which the chapter ends include a tongue-in-cheek look at societal stereotyping of overweight people and a defense of the virtues of football for female fans.

Chapter 7 introduces students to the methods of inquiry used to generate an argument from sources. The process of writing an argument from sources is covered step by step, including the crucial aspects of finding a question to answer, using the print and computerized resources of the library, evaluating source materials, formulating the working thesis, note taking procedures, quoting, writing and revising a rough draft, and using both the MLA and APA styles of documentation.


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