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Basic Grammar and Usage 6/e

作者:Choy et al.
$ 50 $ 375
  • 原價 : $ 375




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This sixth edition of Basic Grammar and Usage preserves the format of the earlier five editions. As in the previous editions, this text contains six units, beginning with the unit on subject-verb identification, which forms the foundation for the rest of the book, and continuing with five other units devoted to specific areas of grammar. The units are divided into individual lessons. Each lesson contains clear explanations of specific grammar rules and structures and includes copious examples of each point. Every lesson is followed by two exercises. Exercise A focuses on the material in that particular lesson. Exercise B reviews material covered in earlier lessons in the unit to ensure that students remember material previously studied and are able to see the relationships among the various lessons. For example, in Unit Three, "Identifying and Punctuating the Main Types of Sentences, students learn how to identify, punctuate, and construct compound sentences in Lesson 9. In Lesson 10, they learn how to do the same things with complex sentences. Lesson 11 explains what run-on sentences and comma splices are and, drawing on the students' knowledge of compound and complex sentences, shows them how to correct these errors. Lesson 12 does the same thing for sentence fragments. A review at the end of each unit tests the students' knowledge of the entire sequence of lessons for that unit.

Throughout the exercises, we have tried to go beyond simple fill-in-the-blank and choose-the-correct-answer items and have emphasized error recognition, such as identifying which sentences contain fragments or run-ons and asking students to correct those mistakes. This emphasis reflects our belief that a primary reason for studying grammar and usage is to help students learn to edit their own compositions and to avoid making errors in the future. The "To the student" preface explains this process in detail.

Additional exercises are provided in the instructor's manual, which is available on adoption of this text. Brief diagnostic tests are included for each unit so that instructors who do not plan to use the entire text can select units for individual student based on their areas of greatest need. Achievement tests, identical in format to the diagnostic tests, measure what the students have learned after completing each unit. We suggest that the diagnostic tests be given at the beginning of the semester and that the achievement tests be used to evaluate what the students have learned over the course of the semester. The instructor's manual also includes detailed unit tests to supplement the unit reviews contained in the text. These tests may be used for either evaluation or for extra practice. The tests are printed on 8.5 by 11 inch pages for convenient reproduction.


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