本書為Far From Home的續篇,著重字彙和閱讀練習,為口說和寫作奠定基礎。藉由高趣味性的閱讀材料,擴增學生的字彙,並強化他們口訣討論和文字表達的能力和技巧。每個單元都有閱讀前的練習、複習測驗和上網學習的要訣。精選題材,包括多項熱門話題。
At Home in Two Lands introduces vocabulary in high-interest readings featuring different cultural backgrounds. Through a contextualized approach, this reader presents high-frequency, low-level vocabulary while encouraging discussion among adult students.
● Updated readings and enhanced content covering contemporary topics
● Systematic presentation of high-frequency vocabulary in cross-cultural and everyday situations
● Mini-dictionary entries and word family exercises for vocabulary development
● Revised pre-reading and word review exercises
● Current topics for written and oral presentations
● Thematically—linked internet tasks in every chapter for practice in research and web skills
● Review Tests at the end of each unit
● Updated Pronunciation Key
● Audio program with complete readings
Far From Home, also by William P. Pickett, works together with At home in Two Lands for a complete classroom or additional reading solution.

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