You Already Know Italian: Learn the Easiest 5,000 Italian Words and Phrases That Are Nearly Identico to English
That's right, you already know Italian — even if you never took a language course in your life!
Many of the words you know in English are similar and often the same in Italian, such as arte and delizioso. And pizza, bambino, and diva have been part of our lexicon for so long you forget they were ever "foreign." You Already Know Italian is the easiest and fastest way to build your Italian vocabulary by using your prior knowledge as the foundation for language learning.
Inside you will find chapters devoted to three types of words: familiar terms, identical and similar terms, and "falsely similar" terms. By studying these words, you will realize just how many Italian words you already know and how easy it is to pick up those terms that are close in meaning to their English counterparts. You will have a 5000-word Italian vocabulary in no time at all!
Look how much Italian vocabulary you already know:
Familiar Italian terms:
◆ Amore — Love
◆ Bandito — Outlaw
◆ Ciao — Hello
◆ Pasta — Pasta
◆ Simpatico — Agreeable
◆ Vino — Wine
Italian words identical or similar to English ones:
◆ Computer — Computer
◆ Jazz — Jazz
◆ Leader — Leader
◆ Quota — Quota
◆ Uso — Use
◆ Virus — Virus
But beware these falsely similar words:
◆ Ago — Needle
◆ Camera — Room
◆ Fatto — Fact
◆ Salto — Jump
◆ Stare — To stand
◆ Villano — Inconsiderate
※ 本書分類:語言學習 > 義大利語學習

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