The Right Phrase for Every Situation . . . Every Time
WNo matter how much you love your job, you will inevitably run into difficult situations on the job that test your ability to keep your cool. Written by the author of Perfect Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People, this handy reference of ready-to-use phrases will help you avoid disasters, steer clear of sticky circumstances with coworkers, and leave you in control. If you're asked to give an impromptu presentation or you accidentally send a personal e-mail to your boss, you'll have the best words for every situation, including:
● Handling criticism and being heard criticizing
● Picking up the ball when someone else has dropped it
● Getting credit for your project when an associate takes the praise
● Deflecting a flirtatious client or coworker
● Filled with phrases for every mistake, mix-up, and mishap, this guide will be become your best friend in the workplace. There are no difficult situations . . . when you have "Perfect Phrases."
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Susan Benjamin
Susan Benjamin has brought communications issues to the nation for almost 20 years. Publications from the Wall Street Journal to the Chicago Tribune have featured Susan's novel approaches while her opinion pieces on language-related issues have appeared in USA Today, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the New York Daily News, Government Executive and countless others. Her books include Words at Work, Quick and Painless Business Writing, and Instant Marketing for Almost Free.
As a consultant, she has trained countless employees on the most advantageous way of addressing difficult people and circumstances in the workplace; and has written numerous how-to sheets and style guides, as support.
Susan Benjamin has brought communications issues to the nation for almost 20 years. Publications from the Wall Street Journal to the Chicago Tribune have featured Susan's novel approaches while her opinion pieces on language-related issues have appeared in USA Today, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the New York Daily News, Government Executive and countless others. Her books include Words at Work, Quick and Painless Business Writing, and Instant Marketing for Almost Free.
As a consultant, she has trained countless employees on the most advantageous way of addressing difficult people and circumstances in the workplace; and has written numerous how-to sheets and style guides, as support.

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