The Big Book of Brain Building Games: Fun Activities to Stimulate the Brain—for Better Learning, Communication and Understanding
Games for better brains
Use the secrets of brain science to improve communication, interpersonal relations, and productivity in any team or group
Jump-start any training session, workshop, or retreat with dozens of interactive games that build brain function in fun and engaging ways. The Big Book of Brain-Building Games offers all kinds of stimulating games to help your team improve information retention, camaraderie, and productivity — and requires few or no props. You'll learn what triggers to pull to help your group think and work better with these play-anywhere, crowd-pleasing interactive games.
Can your brain handle the fun?
Speakers and facilitators know that if you don't engage participants every five to seven minutes, you'll lose them The Big Book of Brain-Building Games adds the spark you need for a successful meeting and keeps your team alert and connected, whatever the task. With just a handful of materials required, these brain-boosting games will help participants:
● develop leadership skills and build self-confidence
● enhance problem-solving strategies and boost creativity
● learn cooperation and effective teamwork
● dramatically improve communications skills — from public speaking to active listening
● Plus the icebreakers are guaranteed to grab — and hold — any group's attention You'll find it all in this latest collection from the trusted Big Books series.
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