Employees respond to organizational change with worry, fear, and sometimes even panic. Your job is to keep them motivated and focused — so you must choose your words carefully during times of upheaval.
Perfect Phrases for Communicating Change has hundreds of ready-to-use phrases for ensuring your employees make the transition with clarity, commitment, and skill. Learn the most effective language for:
● Articulating new company initiatives
● Responding to questions with confidence
● Easing employees' fears
● Clarifying roles and responsibilities
● Addressing resistance and performance problems
● Praise for Perfect Phrases for Communicating Change
※ 本書分類:商業財經 > 會計/統計/審計
Lawrence Polsky / Antoine Gerschel
Lawrence Polsky and Antoine Gerschel are managing partners at PeopleNRG, a change-management consultancy firm in Princeton, NJ.
Lawrence Polsky and Antoine Gerschel are managing partners at PeopleNRG, a change-management consultancy firm in Princeton, NJ.
序 / 推薦
"Perfect Phrases for Communicating Change is a wonderful book, filled with practical, solid advice, suggestions, and examples for how to communicate effectively in a time of change."
John Krajicek, Executive Professor and Assistant Director of Business Communication Studies, Texas A&M University
"Communication during organizational change is everything. The right words at the right time can make all the difference between a successful and unsuccessful change initiative. This is a wonderful resource for finding the right words and sentiments to convey any type of change."
Robert J. Marshak, Ph.D., author of Covert Processes at Work: Managing the Five Hidden Dimensions of Organizational Change
"Finding the right words to communicate change is challenging, even for the best of managers. In this user-friendly text, Lawrence and Antoine provide hundreds of practical phrases to better prepare managers for the task. The book is rich with insightful suggestions on change messaging considerations and construction."
Edward Ferris, Assistant Professor, The New School for Management and Urban Policy
"In my over 20 years of running companies and corporate divisions I have seen a direct correlation between the quality of communication of my managers and their success in the business world. If you aspire to be an effective, efficient, and productive leader then I highly recommend this book. It is an outstanding reference guide and road map for pragmatic yet inspirational communication techniques."
Mitch Pisik, President and CEO, Breckwell Products
John Krajicek, Executive Professor and Assistant Director of Business Communication Studies, Texas A&M University
"Communication during organizational change is everything. The right words at the right time can make all the difference between a successful and unsuccessful change initiative. This is a wonderful resource for finding the right words and sentiments to convey any type of change."
Robert J. Marshak, Ph.D., author of Covert Processes at Work: Managing the Five Hidden Dimensions of Organizational Change
"Finding the right words to communicate change is challenging, even for the best of managers. In this user-friendly text, Lawrence and Antoine provide hundreds of practical phrases to better prepare managers for the task. The book is rich with insightful suggestions on change messaging considerations and construction."
Edward Ferris, Assistant Professor, The New School for Management and Urban Policy
"In my over 20 years of running companies and corporate divisions I have seen a direct correlation between the quality of communication of my managers and their success in the business world. If you aspire to be an effective, efficient, and productive leader then I highly recommend this book. It is an outstanding reference guide and road map for pragmatic yet inspirational communication techniques."
Mitch Pisik, President and CEO, Breckwell Products

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