Accounting as easy as 1-2-3
Do you know the difference between FIFO and LIFO? Can you use the word dilutive in a sentence? Does the phrase "amortization of bond premiums" mean anything to you? No one said the journey to becoming a CPA is easy — but with Intermediate Accounting DeMYSTiFieD as your travel companion, you're guaranteed a smooth ride.
An easy-to-use self-teaching guide that reviews and expands upon core Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Intermediate Accounting DeMYSTiFieD covers everything you need to ace your exams and take a big step toward the career of your dreams. The book provides a fresh review of all the basics, so you can easily glide into more advanced principles. You'll learn how to generate accurate and reliable financial statements, maintain proper internal controls within a company, and locate international accounting standards.
This fast and easy guide offers:
Tactics for maintaining solid internal controls within a business
Strategies for creating accurate financial statements
Techniques for overcoming common accounting errors
Quizzes and a final exam for gauging what you've learned
Tips and examples for mastering more advanced accounting theories
Simple enough for a novice but challenging enough for a veteran CPA, Intermediate Accounting DeMYSTiFieD is a shortcut to decoding key accounting concepts and principles.
※ 本書分類:商業財經 > 財政與稅務
Geri Wink CPA
Geri Wink CPA, is a lecturer in intermediate accounting at the Hasan School of Business, Colorado State University-Pueblo and also works as a Certified Public Accountant in both Colorado and Texas Her work has been published in Oil and Gas Quarterly and The Management Accountant.
Laurie Corradino
Laurie Corradino is a student member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Colorado Society of Certified Public Accountants, and other professional accounting organizations.
Geri Wink CPA, is a lecturer in intermediate accounting at the Hasan School of Business, Colorado State University-Pueblo and also works as a Certified Public Accountant in both Colorado and Texas Her work has been published in Oil and Gas Quarterly and The Management Accountant.
Laurie Corradino
Laurie Corradino is a student member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Colorado Society of Certified Public Accountants, and other professional accounting organizations.
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