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Future (Intro) 2/e (with ebook)

作者:Sarah Lynn/ Ronna Magy
$ 630 $ 700
  • 原價 : $ 700




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Since it was first published, Future has helped over half a million students learn English and achieve their personal, career and educational goals. Now in its second edition, this effective six-level program continues to address the diverse needs of adult learners, equipping them with transferable academic, workplace and English communication skills.

Key features:

■ supports the goals of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
■ aligned to the new NRS level descriptors
■ helps students develop the basic literacy and language skills identified in the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) and the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
■ provides students with contextualized English language instruction that will lead them to success in workplace, life and academic settings

One integrated program
Future provides everything you and your English language learners need in one integrated program using the latest digital tools and time-tested print resources.

Integrated skills contextualized with rich content
Future presents grammar, listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading, writing and vocabulary through meaningful activities that simulate real workplace, educational and community contexts. While providing relevant content, Future helps build learner knowledge and equips adults for their many roles.

Meeting work, life, and education goals
Future recognizes that every adult brings unique work, life and academic experiences, as well as a distinct skill set to your class. With its diverse array of print and digital resources, Future provides learners with multiple opportunities to practice with contextualized materials to build skill mastery. Specialized lessons for academic and workplace skill development are also part of Future's broad array of print and digital resources.

Core curriculum
Future targets essential English communication skills that are necessary for success in a variety of contexts – workplace, community and academic.

Workplace and life skills
Every level of Future has two units on employment (one on how to get employment and one on how to keep it). In addition, there is an increased focus on workplace settings throughout the lessons.

To be active participants in the community, every adult needs digital, numeracy and critical thinking skills, as well as civics skills. Future develops all of these in both print and digital components.

Soft skills at work
Soft skills are the critical interpersonal communication skills needed to succeed in any workplace. In its second edition, Future has further enhanced its development of workplace skills by adding a Soft Skill at Work lesson to every unit.

Academic skills
Rigor and respect for the ability and experiences of the adult learner have always been central values in Future. In its second edition, Future emphasizes rigor by highlighting the critical thinking and problem solving skills required in each activity. Based on Webb's Depth of Knowledge, each activity is labeled with the thinking skill that students are asked to use.

New writing lessons focus on analyzing models, brainstorming, organizing ideas and synthesizing unit learning into well-organized writing outcomes.

New content-rich readings with level-appropriate text complexity build content knowledge, introduce academic vocabulary, and require learners to analyze text and cite evidence to extend their learning.


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