The book is awarded Singapore Asian Book Award.
Wehia t’Doniyat, the eldest daughter of a knifesmith’s holding that specialises in ornamental daggers, wishes with all her heart to make a longsword like the one created by her great-grandmother. She journeys to the City of Swords to be apprenticed under her kinswoman, Hadana t’Tolani, the head of a powerful swordsmith holding. Among strangers and missing her family, Wehia must learn to curb her impatient and reckless nature to endure the hardships that come with being a swordmaker’s apprentice. But despite making a true friend at the holding and being accepted by Hadana, Wehia’s impulsiveness threatens to destroy her dreams of Fire Heart, the sword that sings to her.
JOYCE CH’NG lives in Singapore.
Work of fiction appearance - Apex Book of World SF II, We See A Different Frontier,
Cranky Ladies of History, and Accessing The Future.
The SEA Is Ours: Tales of Steampunk Southeast Asia with Jaymee Goh.
Their recent space opera novels deal with wolf clans (Starfang: Rise of the Clan) and vineyards (Water into Wine) respectively.
Writes speculative poetry with recent ones in Rambutan Literary and Uncanny Magazine.
Does article editing at Strange Horizons and manage Umbel & Panicle, a poetry
journal and e-zine about and for plant and botany
Alter-ego J Damask also writes about werewolves in Singapore.

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