Reel Books Collection 是Scholastic的橋樑書系列,這是一套趣味強、難度低的動畫版章節書套裝,包含2個級別11本書,書中包含讀前、讀中和讀後活動引導。繪聲繪色的閱讀方案,讓小讀者沉浸在閱讀的樂趣中!這套書是CeReels動畫系列的延伸,每本書都配有動畫和音樂,為讀者帶來多感官閱讀體驗,在輕鬆優趣的氛圍中幫助讀者衝破閱讀瓶頸,成長為獨立閱讀者。
Reel Books官網:

※含StoryPlus App音檔
※藍思閱讀分級Lexile®:400L – 650L
【獨立閱讀影音橋梁書套組】Reel Books Level 1&2套組共11本
1. Ella Gator #1: Who Am I? (with StoryPlus) ( ISBN 9789813431898 書號1770150 )
2. Ella Gator #2: Fighting Fire with Fire (with StoryPlus) ( ISBN 9789813431904 書號1770151 )
3. Small Boy and Schubert: A Friend in Need (with StoryPlus) ( ISBN 9789813431935 書號1770149 )
4. Penny's Pencil: Color Our World (with StoryPlus) ( ISBN 9789813431928 書號1770148 )
5. Three Eyes the Alien #1: Breaking Out (with StoryPlus) ( ISBN 9789813431911 書號1770152 )
6. Three Eyes the Alien #2: Mu's Raw Talent (with StoryPlus) ( ISBN 9789813431966 書號1770153 )
7. The Adventures of Odie #1: The Journey Begins (with StoryPlus) ( ISBN 9789813431942 書號1770154 )
8. The Adventures of Odie #2: The Long Way Home (with StoryPlus) ( ISBN 9789813431959 書號1770155 )
9. Fox in the Wood: Sylvie is Not Alone (with StoryPlus) ( ISBN 9789813431973 書號1770158 )
10. Cave Chef #1: Ooh La La! (with StoryPlus) ( ISBN 9789813431980 書號1770156 )
11. Cave Chef #2: Perfect Partners (with StoryPlus) ( ISBN 9789813431997 書號1770157 )