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商品編號:P0116400312921 原始貨號:P0116400312921

【精選組合】A Frog and Dog Book 套書 {共3本}

  • 無音檔
  • 有聲書(CD & StoryPlus)
$ 615 $ 945 現貨只剩1件即將完售!
  • 原價 : $ 945




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【無音檔 內含書目】

1. A Frog and Dog Book #1 Frog Meets Dog*1本 175元

ISBN:9781338540390 書號:1750091

Dog wants to play. Can Dog play with Frog, Frog, and Frog? The frogs hop...but Dog just FLOPS. Will the frogs ever play with Dog? Then a hungry bear comes along Can Dog find a way to help the frogs?


2. A Frog and Dog Book #2 Goat in a Boat*1本 175元

ISBN:9781338540420 書號:1750092

Frog and Dog are playing in the sun with Goat. But Goat is wearing a raincoat Dog laughs at Goat coat. But when it starts to rain, Goat is very glad to have a coat...and a boat. Will Goat let Dog onto the boat?


3. A Frog and Dog Book #1 Frog Meets Dog*1本 175元

ISBN:9781338540475 書號:1750093

Frog and Dog meet a new friend, Pig. But Pig is not good at sharing... in fact, she's a bit of a HOG. She will not share her LOG, she will not share her LUNCH, and she will not share the spotlight Can these friends find a way to get along?



【有聲書 內含書目】

1. A Frog and Dog Book #1 Frog Meets Dog (CD & StoryPlus)*1本 315元

ISBN:9789815022131 書號:6064093

Dog wants to play. Can Dog play with Frog, Frog, and Frog? The frogs hop...but Dog just FLOPS. Will the frogs ever play with Dog? Then a hungry bear comes along Can Dog find a way to help the frogs?


2. A Frog and Dog Book #2 Goat in a Boat*1本 (CD & StoryPlus) 315元

ISBN:9789815022162 書號:6064094

Frog and Dog are playing in the sun with Goat. But Goat is wearing a raincoat Dog laughs at Goat coat. But when it starts to rain, Goat is very glad to have a coat...and a boat. Will Goat let Dog onto the boat?


3. A Frog and Dog Book #1 Frog Meets Dog*1本 (CD & StoryPlus) 315元

ISBN:9789815022193 書號:6064095

Frog and Dog meet a new friend, Pig. But Pig is not good at sharing... in fact, she's a bit of a HOG. She will not share her LOG, she will not share her LUNCH, and she will not share the spotlight Can these friends find a way to get along?


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