Syntax concerns the sentence organization of a language. Understanding the syntax of a language is important for understanding the overall structure of a language. This book arises not only to meet the needs of elementary linguistic learners who seek to establish a thorough grounding in syntactic analysis, but also to satisfy the demands of those who seek to understand the nature of the communicative tool that they use everyday.
This book enables a preliminary and theoretical understanding of sentence structures. It is an introductory textbook on syntax, and it also contains theoretical insights that are strongly grounded in the generative tradition.
This book serves two purposes. First, it shows readers central concepts in the study of syntax and guides them through the practice of syntactic analysis in a step-by-step manner. Second, the book draws on many examples from Mandarin Chinese with the specific aim of attracting the interest of Taiwanese readers who are fascinated by learning about syntax.
Key features of Syntax: From Basic to Theoretical include:
● examples from various languages to explain the basics of syntax
● a large size of examples of the use of Mandarin Chinese to explain important syntactic concepts and the theory of universal grammar
● theories and techniques of bracketing, phrase structure rules, and X-bar syntax as the formal tools for conducting syntactic analysis
● an introduction of optimality theory as a syntactic theory to describe the structure of sentences and the rules of their formationYu-Ching Tseng is Associate professor in the Department of English at Tamkang University, Taiwan.

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