StartUp is an eight-level,general American English course for adults and young adults who want to make their way in the world and need English to do it. The course takes learners from CEFR A1 to C1 and enables students to track how their English is progressing in detail.
English for 21st century learners
Students learn the language in ways that work for them,so they can communicate in their personal,academic,and work life,while building the collaborative and critical thinking skills needed for the 21st century.
Personalized,flexible teaching
StartUp gives teachers the flexibility and resources to personalize their teaching to meet their students'specific teaching needs.
Motivating and relevant learning
Students will be immersed in an innovative world of interactive activities and a wide range of videos,including grammar and pronunciation coach videos,humorous character-based conversation videos,and high-interest talk videos.
Access at their fingertips: the Pearson Practice English App and Pearson English Portal
Students can extend their English studies anytime,anywhere with vocabulary, grammar,listening,and conversation activities on the go. They have access to all the audio tracks and video clips whenever and wherever they want on the app and in the Pearson English Portal.
•認證碼/Access code
•身份 (教師 / 學生)
Thank you for your attention. If you have any inquiries please do not hesitate to contact us.
1. 宅配到府:每筆訂單未滿 699元 須加收 100元 物流處理費用。(活動期間則按照活動內容進行調整)
2. 超商取貨:每筆訂單皆需加收 60元 物流處理費用。
1. 會員辦理退換貨時,於收到貨七日內與客服人員連絡,商品必須是全新狀態與完整包裝(請注意保持商品本體、配件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有附隨文件或資料的完整性,切勿缺漏任何配件或損毀原廠外盒)。
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3. 超值特賣和包膜桌遊恕不接受退換貨。
1. 您可以點選聯絡我們或來信客服信箱。
2. 若欲大量購書,或有特殊作業需求,建議您可洽詢 02-23934497
1. 宅配到府:每筆訂單未滿 699元 須加收 100元 物流處理費用。(活動期間則按照活動內容進行調整)
2. 超商取貨:每筆訂單皆需加收 60元 物流處理費用。
1. 會員辦理退換貨時,於收到貨七日內與客服人員連絡,商品必須是全新狀態與完整包裝(請注意保持商品本體、配件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有附隨文件或資料的完整性,切勿缺漏任何配件或損毀原廠外盒)。
2. 產品非破損、瑕疵或寄送錯誤而申請換貨者,換貨運費將由您負擔。
3. 超值特賣和包膜桌遊恕不接受退換貨。
1. 您可以點選聯絡我們或來信客服信箱。
2. 若欲大量購書,或有特殊作業需求,建議您可洽詢 02-23934497