本套書由初階到高級共18 冊,從各樣的教學活動中,完整教導聽說讀寫技能的整合,奠定紮實的學術基礎,參加英檢、多益和托福等各種英語考試也能得心應手並獲取高分。
● 單元主題趣味高,聽說讀寫技能相互呼應,不斷循環應用所學字彙與文法。
● 強調字彙累積、應考技巧和判斷力的培養,使學業精進。
● 聽力著重策略學習和對話理解,口語訓練獨立思考和自由發揮;閱讀強化吸收能力和延伸思考;寫作教授破題切入和如何修正與結尾。
A 21 st-Century course for the modern student,new design an all new photo program draw students and teachers in compelling content for today's students with three all new chapters stimulates interest,emphasis on vocabulary learning and building provides students the structure and tools to acquire words,purposefully structured skills and strategies program propels language l earning and creates independent learner.
● Modern Content:
From social networking to gender issues and from academic honesty to discussions of Skype,Interactions/ Mosaic keeps students connected to learning by selecting topics that are interesting and relevant to modern students.
● Digital Component:
The fully integrated online course offers a rich environment that expands students' learning and supports teachers'teaching with automatically graded practice, assessment,classroom presentation tools,online community,and more.
● Emphasis on Vocabulary:
Each chapter teaches vocabulary intensively and comprehensively. This focus on learning new words is informed by more than 28 years of classroom testing and provides students with the exact language they need to communicate confidently and fluently.
● Practical Critical Thinking:
Students develop their ability to synthesize,analyze,and apply information from different sources in a variety of contexts: from comparing academic articles to negotiating informal conversations.

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