These quick games, exercises, and activities are designed to reduce stress wherever and whenever it strikes, in meetings, in front of the computer, or when dealing with difficult people. Psychology Today Editor-In-Chief Robert Epstein has created fifty 1-3 minute games based on STRESS-PROOFING, an original system derived from scientific research that makes stress reduction effortless and effective.
For everyone from deskbound office workers to managers in meetings, this is the latest addition to one of McGraw-Hill's best-selling book series:
● Helps alleviate high-pressure situations at home and at work.
● Includes comprehensive life-planning and life-organization activities.
● Requires less then 3 minutes to play most of the creative, relaxing games.
※ 本書分類:心靈養生 > 發展心理學 > 壓力管理
Robert Epstein Ph.D.
Robert Epstein Ph.D. is Editor-in-Chief of Psychology Today, host of the magazine's nationally-syndicated radio show, and University Research Professor at United States International University. Dr. Epstein holds a Ph.D. from Harvard and his research has been reported in Time, The New York Times, and Discover. His popular articles have appeared in The Washington Post and Reader's Digest.
Robert Epstein Ph.D. is Editor-in-Chief of Psychology Today, host of the magazine's nationally-syndicated radio show, and University Research Professor at United States International University. Dr. Epstein holds a Ph.D. from Harvard and his research has been reported in Time, The New York Times, and Discover. His popular articles have appeared in The Washington Post and Reader's Digest.

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