《記憶傳承人》(The Giver)作者,兩屆紐伯瑞金牌獎得主露薏絲.勞瑞(Lois Lowry),擅長以創新手法讓故事跳脫框架,擁有屬於自己的生命力。這次她以幽默又優雅的視角,顛覆了眾人對童話的想像,讓威樂比一家人為讀者開展全新的視野!
故事改編為Netflix動畫電影《威樂比這一家》,由威爾.福特(Will Forte)、瑪雅.魯道夫(Maya Rudolph)、阿萊莎.卡拉(Alessia Cara)、泰瑞.克魯斯(Terry Crews)等多位知名配音員為主角們說出生活與心聲。這個精彩的故事獲得滿滿好評,這部探討家庭意義的好片,不只適合兒童收看,更讓許多的大人從中得到啟發。
Now a Netflix animated film starring Will Forte, Maya Rudolph, Alessia Cara, Terry Crews, Martin Short, Jane Krakowski, Séan Cullen, and Ricky Gervais!
Convinced they'd be better off raising themselves, the Willoughby children hatch a sneaky plan to send their selfish parents on vacation. The siblings then embark on their own high-flying adventure to find the true meaning of family.
The Willoughbys is a turn to the hilarious from the award-winning author of The Giver and Number the Stars that will have children and parents laughing.